Friday, December 9, 2011

The 45 Million Year Old Beer

Dr. Raul Cano was able to extract yeast from the gut of a bug trapped in amber that was 45 million years old (yes, the same concept used in Jurassic Park; in fact Dr. Cano announced his success in retrieving the bacteria one day before the movie opened). The yeast was used to brew beer, and its unique taste is described as  "smooth and spicy," having "weird spiciness at the finish."

The best part is that this isn't a limited edition beer-Fossil Fuels Brewing Company was created to brew the beer, and there are plans to distribute it to select bars in northern California. Field trip, anyone?

Thank you to the Geology New Blog for letting me know about this! 

1 comment:

  1. David Colombini5:38 PM

    Me! Pick me! I love Cali :)
