Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How To Fix A Bunch Of Global Problems

STOP HAVING SO MANY DAMN KIDS. We're in the age of modern medicine, where the average life expectancy is in the mid 70s (in the USA) and the infant mortality rate has dropped dramatically. There is no need to have so many children in case a few of them die, nor do you need extra hands to help on the farm.

This would be especially helpful in regions such as Africa, where there is a major food shortage. By promoting  family planning and birth control (condoms), I think it is feasible to lower the birth rate. Pool your limited resources into fewer children and increase their likelihood of survival. If there wasn't such a crisis in Africa, then foreign governments could save money and use it on their own countries. And hopefully there would be less fighting over food and water.

This could be helpful even here in the US. Less children means less stress on the welfare system. Less stress for parents to have enough money to take care of children, perhaps having 2 or 3 jobs. This could help open up jobs for people who are unemployed. Less money spent on children can be spent elsewhere, improving the economy. There could be less stress on the healthcare system, perhaps (hopefully) lowering costs.  We won't run out of natural resources as quickly. Less production means less greenhouse gas emissions. Less people equals less demand for goods, equals less demand upon the ecosystem.

Okay, so it's not a fix-all, but it definitely would help to ease the strain.

1 comment:

  1. David Colombini5:52 PM

    Overpopulation is an issue, at least that's the mainstream scientific US perspective. There are other perspectives, like Marxists, Developmentalists, and/or pro-High-Techs.
