Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another Earthquake? Listen To The Experts.

Reports on social media outlets have been pouring in from  all over the state of New Jersey of people hearing a boom and feeling shaking around 10 am this morning. A lot of people are convinced they felt/heard an earthquake. A quick check to the USGS website on recent earthquakes shows no earthquakes occurring around 10 am this morning. Despite this, people are still convinced it was an earthquake. Are you an earthquake expert? No? Then stop it.

I'm not an earthquake expert either, but I do know enough about them to have people take what I say seriously. If there was an earthquake strong enough for people to feel or hear it, then the seismographs would have definitely picked up on it.

And then someone posted this on Facebook: "Also last night was a Lunar Eclipse .would that have anything to do with it ? Didnt we have one in the summer after a lunar eclipse ?" 

I am so flabbergasted. Wow. Seriously. That's what you think happened? Holy cow. No. Just, no. 

I can understand where her thought originates- the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon could have shifted some bedrock and caused an earthquake. But there are earthquakes all over the world everyday. The Sun and Moon don't cause them.
So then what is so special about the shadow of the Earth on the moon have to do with an earthquake? 


Leave the scientific speculation up to the people with scientific knowledge. 
I'm not discounting what anyone experienced, it's just that that it was not caused by an earthquake. Perhaps a sonic boom over the ocean caused it? 

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