Monday, December 5, 2011

Why Environmentalism Is So Important

I may be biased in my opinion on why environmentalism is so important, but the trend I want to keep with this blog is to be unbiased. Therefore I will do my best to back up what I say, so that it's not quite so biased.

The world is facing a number of big issues these days, not just on the environmental front, but elsewhere- the economy is in the crapper, terrorist activity, poverty, inadequate education... and so on. I believe these are really important issues and they need to be fixed. The thing with the damage being done to the environment is that the full extent of the damage will not be know until decades (or more) from now. It goes back to what I said on ecosystem services- we depend on products and services from the environment, and it would be disastrous if we ruined ecosystem functioning to the point where we cannot reap benefits from the ecosystem.

It costs a lot more money (and is more difficult) to restore an ecosystem's functioning than it is to simply conserve it or manage it properly.

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