Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pictures From My Research Trip To St. John

I didn't want to clutter my post describing the trip with pictures, and some pictures didn't fit well into the post without my going into a LOT of detail, so here are some of the great pictures as an addendum.

While out hiking we checked out some ruins of a house. There were tons of bats inside!

I was out snorkeling with Dr. B when I happened to look down and find myself swimming over a turtle, who was extremely photogenic. Photo credit: Dr. B.

These are the black spined sea urchins that we were doing research on. Dr. B took this picture.

On the way to camp we passed by some donkeys on the road. Other animals we came across on the road include pigs, cows and chickens.

I got my first jelly fish sting!

The iguanas were very elusive, but we were able to get up close and personal with this one, who had an injured foot and therefore couldn't run away. We fed him some lettuce and set him free.

The frogs really like hanging out in the girl's showers! This set of pictures follows the frog as he crawled up the stall!

This is another of Dr. B's pictures, of some coral and sea urchins.

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